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Our Best Self

James — is a senior executive coming from hardship and struggle. In and out of poverty. Proven in building businesses through Venture Capital mixed with plenty of failures that continue to set new life habits. A passionate father, patent holder, 4x author, and professional Coach to professional, collegiate, and recreational athletes.

In this channel James shares series and how to tips to help you achieve your goals; avoid mistakes, and have a better life. I am sharing to enable you. Ultimately, this also provides me a personal reflection perspective on what I've created, reminders of lessons, and perhaps inspiration for those building upon my work.

Apr 3, 2023

How can we ...
Build this business
Experience trips and activities with our schedule
Solve this crisis
Achieve X
I am often in discussions where I am either driving to do big things, or working with someone is attempting great things. In all cases we are trying to figure out the most important question....

May 16, 2019

Discover how to prepare your day and achieve your goals. How do you define what you will focus on today? Here is my framework on winning the day. It is sharp and practical that you can use today.


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Engage with me online: @jimmydatl on instagram and @jdeluccia...