Aug 13, 2019
On this episode, how many times are you finding yourself challenging culture? I find myself challenging it all the time and when I look at it, it really gets me fired up because when I'm thinking about the people I work with, the people that I am either either from an employment perspective, a team, or a partner. Here...
Aug 6, 2019
On this episode,
Stress has wrecked my life.
Relationships become strained. Physical health is permanently impacted, and professionally we just aren't producing our best.
Funny thing, is stress is from many angles and a few we don't think about directly - work stress; stress from others; training stress, and stress...
Aug 1, 2019
On this episode,
Sleep is super important from everything to regulating our hormones, healing, mental health, beating illness, and more. If you become more stressed you can begin to erode the most important deep sleep moments. The result is your body gets caught in a negative downward spiral.
Here on this podcast I...